Rainbows and Brownies
It’s well known that there is pent up demand by children and young people to join youth organisations in Hatch Warren.
To try to satisfy this demand for young girls new Rainbows and Brownies groups are being set up in the Hatch Warren Community Centre. Sally Whitmarsh and Kellie Boyle, have worked together for over ten years with Brownie groups in another area of Basingstoke and will be bringing their experience and dedication to Hatch Warren with the inaugural meeting of 3rd Hatch Warren Rainbows and Brownies on Thursday 11th September.
For those readers without any Guiding experiences, Rainbows is for girls aged 5-6 who follow a programme called Rainbow Jigsaw, through which they take part in lots of different activities with girls of their own age. Rainbows learn by doing – they get their hands dirty with arts and crafts, cooking and playing games. The Rainbow group will meet in term time from 4.15- 5.15pm with a maximum of 18 members.
Brownies are girls aged 7-10 who become a member of a Six and follow a programme called the Brownie Adventure. They have regular meetings, special events, day trips, sleepovers, camps and holidays. Brownies
learn new hobbies, play music, explore other cultures and get adventurous outdoors. Brownies will meet in term time from 5.30-7.00pm with a maximum of 24 members.
Volunteers are always needed to help the leaders whether from ex- Guides who want to return and share their experiences with the young girls, or parents with limited time to give to fulfil many roles throughout the time their daughters are members.
While there are many girls registered on a waiting list anyone needing more information can contact Sally Whitmash on 01256 477266 or 07795 188295