Category: News

Community Magazine 0

Food Boxes for Basingstoke

Over the last 3 years Basingstoke Voluntary Action (BVA) have distributed nearly 1000 Christmas food boxes to individuals across the borough who are living with the effects of poverty, social isolation, or vulnerably housed,...

Community Magazine 0

Ramblers Association

The North Hampshire Downs Ramblers group, is part of the Ramblers Association, we walk mostly in Hampshire and the surrounding countryside. In the last few months our group has enjoyed both walks and social...

Community Magazine 0

Hatch Warren Under 5s

They say time flies when you’re having fun, and we’re amazed at how quickly our first half term has gone at Hatch Warren Under Fives. The children have been busy, busy, busy learning through...

Community Magazine 0

Click here to take our online poll!

The Rabbiter office is now starting planning for next year. We want to ensure that we include all the things that our readers would like to see in their magazine so we would like your views.

WE NEED YOUR OPINION! Click here to take our online poll 0

WE NEED YOUR OPINION! Click here to take our online poll

The Rabbiter office is now starting planning for next year. We want to ensure that we include all the things that our readers would like to see in their magazine so we would like your views.

Community Magazine 0

My First ride with HWBCC…

We asked a few of our members to share their first ride experiences with the club, hopefully we can tempt you to come along and take advantage of the 3 free trial ride scheme...