Category: News

Community Magazine 0

Basingstoke Lions Club

The Sussex Jazz Kings gave us another memorable night’s trad jazz  at QMC. In a break with tradition they sat down to perform. This was in recognition of the fact that some members of...

Community Magazine 0

Hatch Warren Beggarwood Cycling Club

It’s been another busy summer for the club. We’ve continued our regular schedule of rides on a Tuesday evening and every weekend. We currently have over 140 paid up members and we continue to...

Community Magazine 0

Ramblers Association

The North Hampshire Downs Ramblers group, is part of the Ramblers Association. We walk mostly in Hampshire and the surrounding countryside. In the last few months our group has enjoyed both walks and social...

Community Magazine 0

Kempshott Conservation Group

In Down Grange Meadow the drought conditions during May and June with a very warm spell in mid June meant that flowers were very slow to get into growth and this had a knock...