What’s On in February 2018 at South Ham Library?
Join us every Saturday morning for drop in fun from 10am-midday. All activities are free of charge. We request that children under 10 are accompanied by an adult. 1st Saturday Craft 3rd Feb –...
Join us every Saturday morning for drop in fun from 10am-midday. All activities are free of charge. We request that children under 10 are accompanied by an adult. 1st Saturday Craft 3rd Feb –...
Public Access – this is now the system that allows you to view applications on line but will also allow you to make comments on line as a statutory consultee. Basic searches – there...
Two months into the year and the club continues to grow from success to success! The weather got the better of us in January and for the first time we had to cancel a...
The Sussex Jazz Kings gave us another memorable night’s trad jazz at QMC. In a break with tradition they sat down to perform. This was in recognition of the fact that some members of...
There were 49 members and 2 visitors at the meeting held on 4th October who enjoyed the usual tea, coffee and biscuits before David Cowling, the Chairman welcomed everyone and gave apologies from those...
SOUTH HAM SATURDAYS – FAMILY Fun started last month. Join us every Saturday morning for drop in fun from 10am-midday. All activities are free of charge. We request that children under 10 are accompanied...
We are proud to launch SOUTH HAM SATURDAYS – FAMILY Fun this month. Join us every Saturday morning for drop in fun from 10am-midday. All activities are free of charge. We request that children...
It’s been another busy summer for the club. We’ve continued our regular schedule of rides on a Tuesday evening and every weekend. We currently have over 140 paid up members and we continue to...
The North Hampshire Downs Ramblers group, is part of the Ramblers Association. We walk mostly in Hampshire and the surrounding countryside. In the last few months our group has enjoyed both walks and social...
In Down Grange Meadow the drought conditions during May and June with a very warm spell in mid June meant that flowers were very slow to get into growth and this had a knock...