Category: News

Don’t have a rubbish Christmas – recycle 0

Don’t have a rubbish Christmas – recycle

‘Tis the season for family and presents – and plenty of extra household waste. Extra recycling can be put in cardboard boxes or clear sacks. Leave the cardboard box or clear sacks filled with...

This November why not support  St. Michael’s hospice November nights campaign? 0

This November why not support St. Michael’s hospice November nights campaign?

The money raised from our November Nights campaign in just five years has already had a huge impact on the Hospice, the patients we care for and their families. Over £11,000 has been raised...

Are you being overcharged by your water company? 0

Are you being overcharged by your water company?

If your gutters drain to soakaways rather than into the public sewers, you can get a rebate on the standing charge element of your water bill. This rebate has been available since 2001, but you have to apply for...

Christmas carols 0

Christmas carols

The “Sounds of hope”, a Christian community Choir, are holding our annual traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols on Friday 6th December at the All Saints’ Church, Southern Road Basingstoke starting at 7:45pm. We would like...

Hatch Warren Runners 0

Hatch Warren Runners

For those of you that regularly read this little club article, you’ll notice that it’s often a celebration of the races and attainments of our club members. Many of them must seem impossible, maybe...

Hatch Warren Phoenix 0

Hatch Warren Phoenix

Hatch Warren Phoenix FC had plenty to celebrate at their recent end of season presentation, highlights included the amazing success for the girls game. As one of Hampshire FA’s Wildcats pilot clubs the Phoenix...

Hatch Warren WI 0

Hatch Warren WI

Hatch Warren W.I. welcomed three new potential members to our first meeting of the Autumn on 5th September. Our guest speaker was Peter Hull MBE ‘Gold is more than just a word’ a very...

Basingstoke Camera Club 0

Basingstoke Camera Club

A new exhibition of photographs will open on Saturday 31st of August at the Basingstoke Discovery Centre in Festival Place Basingstoke. The exhibition, entitled “The Creative Eye “ comprises photographs from near and far,...

Basingstoke Hopsital Entrance 0

Basingstoke Hopsital Entrance

Anyone recently visiting Basingstoke hospital will have noticed the restricted road access at the main entrance. This work is involving a complete update of the fracture clinic, which is where patients who have orthopaedic...

Viking Badminton 0

Viking Badminton

Viking Badminton Club members are having a well earned rest this summer after another great season. Their Ladies’ and Men’s B teams came top of their Divisions in the local Basingstoke and District League....