Liz Howe of the Dwelling Place/ Night Shelter attended our business meeting where she was presented with a new computer and software to enable her to both run her charity and encourage her visitors to engage with technology. Our resident whizz kid will be on hand to help her deal with any glitches.
FUNDRAISING: A steady dribble of cash continues to arrive from previous events.
8/07/2017 Heritage Light Orchestra and supporting singers perform for us at QMC. This year’s concert, which is part of Basingstoke Festival 2017, is “ALL AT SEA” and promises a very lively and interesting evening. You can buy tickets direct from our website , from or tel: 01256 421867, or Toucan Travel at the Chineham shopping Centre.
WELFARE: Our Club and the Loddon Valley Lions Club (LV) have agreed to jointly support 2 projects:-
- Team Rubicon : To keep teams busy when not engaged on disaster deployments they may undertake charity work. The Dove House Project is currently looking at refurbishment of the Privett Centre, an Outdoors Education facility, which may be of interest. We have agreed to jointly contribute to material costs if it goes ahead.
- Disport Games is an annual organised games day designed for people with a variety of disabilities. Costs are normally funded by Basingstoke Disability Forum which is unfortunately running out of money. The games are manned by volunteers. Julian Thomas, the games organiser, is looking for additional sponsors. Our Club and LV have pledged donations. If anyone else is able to help in any way, please contact the Treasurer, Pauline Lentell, on 07721473465.
- Our Club also agreed to support St Joseph’s Church with their “Holidays at Home” for the elderly project and made a donation towards another piece of equipment needed by Helping Hands for the Blind.
Our Club’s total commitment to the computer system and these projects to date is £1250.
LIONS CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Everything we do is to support our community. But, we ‘re not Saints, we really do it because we enjoy it. Take a look at the pictures on our website. It is a sociable activity which allows you to use your talents and learn new ones, exchange ideas (and sometimes even implement them) and generally have a good time. You can easily check us out at a business meeting or a dinner meeting. Just put your contact details on the “Contact Us” page of our website and someone will get in touch. Give it a go!