Basingstoke Civil Service Retirement Fellowship
At the meeting on 2nd May members were able to buy plants that had been donated by other members in order to raise funds towards the purchase of a new sound system. David Cowling, the Chairman, then welcomed everyone and gave a reminder that all forms relating to the new Data Protection Act should be completed and returned by the end of May. Christine Broadbent, the Welfare Officer, gave her report and then Tony Brazier, the Secretary, mentioned the enjoyable trip taken by members to Chartwell where Winston Churchill lived from 1922 until just before his death in 1965.
He then gave details of the forthcoming trip on Wednesday 11th July to Painshill Park near Cobham, Surrey which is an 18th century landscape garden created by the Hon. Charles Hamilton whose vision was to create a new style of magical garden inspired by Renaissance art and his Grand Tours. The landscapes form living works of art in which are placed follies for dramatic effect.
This month’s talk was from Alan Grace titled “Amazing Berlin 1914 – 1989” which he illustrated with many photographs, recordings and artefacts from the period. He covered the rampant inflation after WW1, the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Olympics of 1936 before moving on to WW2 followed by the death of Hitler. He then went on to give details of the blockade by the Russians from June 1948 to May 1949 and the airlift which ended it and also the difference in life between East and the West of the wall and what it meant when it was eventually dismantled in November 1989.
The next meeting is on 6th June which is our Open Meeting when there will be a buffet and anyone is welcome to come and join us. The speaker will be Paul Whittle on Traveller’s Tales. The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Brookvale Village Hall from 10 am to 12 noon and all retired Civil Servants and their partners are welcome. Further details about meetings and outings can be obtained from the Secretary Tony Brazier on 01256 418770 (Answerphone)